Easter Family Activities At Home

Spring Crafts


With the Easter holidays approaching, we thought it might be fun and useful to put together a few ideas that you could do with your children or grandchildren at home and without too much effort.


We will be trying them ourselves, so I will be honest and say they have not been tried and tested yet, but they don’t look too difficult or messy. Hoping for some slightly better weather and you could even do some of them outside and benefit from some vitamin D.


Our children generally do like crafts, but it does require us to be organised and have it all laid out so that they can just get going rather than sit and watch us prepare the craft station. This might be a helpful tip for some of you.


Activity 1. Spring Flowers

Requirements: green and white paper, children’s scissors, paint and a fork

As seen in the photo, the idea is to create a pretty Spring flower scene. The green paper gets cut into the shape of stalks and leaves, and the underside of the fork is then dipped in the paint and pressed onto the paper to create the shape of a tulip-like flower. Voila!

 Activity 2. Bunny Faces

Requirements: Loo rolls, glue, paint, paper

Again, this is quite a simple exercise so probably more suitable for younger children. The idea is to stick three loo rolls together and shape two of them into bunny ears with a slight point to them. You would then dip the end of the loo roll in the paint and then press it onto a piece of paper. This will leave an imprint of the face and ears of a bunny. You can then decorate the page and face as you like. You could even get creative and see what bits you have in your craft drawer to add to the scene.

Activity 3. Easter Tree

Requirements: Branches, vase, wooden eggs with hoops to hang them on the tree (much easier if you buy them already done), paint or craft decorations

This is for older children, but also nice for adults. The idea is just to decorate the wooden eggs to a design of your choice. You could be as bright and fun as you like with the pattern. Once dry you would then hang them on the branches that would be neatly arranged in a vase. We particularly like using Forsythia for the burst of yellow.

 Hope you enjoy these little ideas. Just a bit of fun and might even provide a few minutes so you can have a cup of tea in peace.